
Showing posts from July, 2023

Surrey University's Combyne Lab gave a BioDynaMo tutorial during the (COST Action) NETSKINMODELS' training school

On July 10-12, 2023 at the University of Surrey (Guildford, England, UK) , the COST action CA21108 European Network for Skin Engineering and Modeling (NETSKINMODELS) held its Training School 2023 Advancing skills in 3D skin and epidermal biology computer modelling  ( intended for PhD students and post-doc level researchers with at least preliminary programming skills and an excellent command in digital literacy ). The COMBYNE Lab was there.  Roman Bauer , Umar Abubacar , and Cayla Harris offered an introductory tutorial about BioDynaMo and the advantages that adopting a standardized and optimized general purpose agent based simulation suite can produce for the reproducibility and reusability of models and research. Following you can find the slides and transcript of a portion of the tutorial, kindly shared by COMBYNE Lab 's PhD student and BioDynaMo contributor Cayla Harris . We hope you find it interesting and useful (and don't hesitate to get in touch wit...