Hybrid workshop “Computational modelling of complex biological systems” on June 23rd 2023

Save the date announcement! The COMBYNE ( COmputational Modelling of Biologial dYnamics and EngiNEering ) Lab at the University of Surrey is delighted to host the " Computational Modelling of Complex Biological Systems 2023 " workshop. The workshop scheduled for June the 23rd 2023 will be hybrid (in-person, at the University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, and online through MS Teams). The preliminary program is as follows: 9h00 - 9h10 Roman Bauer (Introduction) 9h10 - 9h50 Marco Manca (Research talk) 9h50 - 10h30 Vasileios Vavourakis (Research talk) 10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break 11h00 - 11h40 Cristian Axenie (Research talk) 11h40 - 12h00 Umar Abubacar (Short research talk) 12h00 - 12h20 Ryan Bournes (Short research talk) 12h20 - 13h50 Lunch break 13h50 - 14h30 TBD (Research talk) 14h30 - 14h50 Aaron Wing (Short research talk) 14h50 - 15h10 ...