Congratulations to the winners of the 2022 YERUN Open Science Awards!

On Tuesday 14 February 2023, the Young European Research Universities (YERUN) has announced the winners of their 2022 Open Science Awards, and the BioDynaMo Consortium would like to hereby congratulate the 5 winner projects:

ROCK – Reproducible Open Coding Kit, submitted by Dr. Szilvia Zörgő &  Dr.Gjalt-Jorn Peters from Maastricht University. ROCK is a standard for performing qualitative coding and analyses in a transparent manner. It was developed by the applicants to tackle the lack of Open-Source software tools for qualitative research. Presentation available at this link

LERO Open Science Committee, submitted by Prof. Brian Fitzgerald & Dr. Martina Prendergast from the University of Limerick. The LERO Open Science Committee was formed in 2022 to develop centre-wide strategies that lead to increased visibility for researchers, greater opportunities for collaboration and greater transparency in the research process. Presentation available at this link

Open Knowledge Initiative by the KIOS Centre of Excellence submitted Dr. Christos Laoudias & Dr. Maria Michalopoulou from the University of Cyprus. he KIOS Centre of excellence at the University of Cyprus launched the Open Knowledge Initiative in 2017 to openly disseminate scientific results beyond the traditional academic dissemination channels. Presentation available at this link

ARROR – Advancing Registered Reports in Organisational Research, submitted by Dr. Roman Briker from Maastricht University. ARROR is an Open Science initiative that facilitates the submission of Registered reports (publication format in which researchers receive peer-review before data is collected) in the fields of organizational behavior, management and applied psychology. Presentation available at this link

Theodor Fontane Archive, submitted by Dr. Anna Busch & Prof. Peer Tilcke form the University of Potsdam. The Theodor Fontane Archive developed and expanded the research-based digital archive with the aim to improve accessibility to knowledge about the life and works of this central German author of the 19th century. Presentation available at this link

Well done all, coming on top of this very competitive (way to go open science in Europe!!) selection among 37 projects. We know how hard you have worked, because BioDynaMo had also joined the fray this year. 

We learnt much about how to improve our reporting, and a trick or two to make our open practices even more effective. Thanks to all participants, and to YERUN for arranging this nice coopetitive opportunity!

We will definitely join again next year. But for now, let's all enjoy the ceremony (available here) and congratulate the winners again!


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